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Showing posts with the label Dhamaka in Ayodhya: Lighting Up for Ram Mandir's Grand Return!

Surviving the Summer Heat and Job Hunt

Hello Everyone, I hope you're doing great! Summer can be tough with those heat waves, but don't worry, nothing lasts forever. 😂😂 I'm not sure whether to be proud of completing my degree without any backlogs or to be worried about finding a job. Finding a good job is way harder than I thought, but I hope my friend and I get one soon. By the way, have you read any good books lately? I recently read three books by Akshat Gupta and found them amazing. His next book is coming out this month, and I'm looking forward to purchasing it. No matter where you live, ice gola is the same everywhere. Just make sure you eat good quality and safe food.

Ram Lalla Comes Home: A Nation Celebrates!

Hello everyone, and welcome to my blog! I hope you are doing great and having a fantastic time. Let's get started with today's blog. As you all know, this month is significant for all of us as we are heading towards the Ram Mandir inauguration on 22nd January. I am really excited about this with all my soul and spirit. We waited for so long, and finally, the wait is over. I am going to light up my house as if it were Diwali, and I encourage you all to celebrate it the same way. I noticed today that many people are receiving invitations for the inauguration, and I can't help but feel how lucky they are. They will all have the chance to witness this historic moment. Well, mine is fixed; I am going to watch the whole event on TV, and I encourage you not to miss this once-in-a-lifetime moment in your house.