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Showing posts with the label daily-thoughts

Surviving the Summer Heat and Job Hunt

Hello Everyone, I hope you're doing great! Summer can be tough with those heat waves, but don't worry, nothing lasts forever. 😂😂 I'm not sure whether to be proud of completing my degree without any backlogs or to be worried about finding a job. Finding a good job is way harder than I thought, but I hope my friend and I get one soon. By the way, have you read any good books lately? I recently read three books by Akshat Gupta and found them amazing. His next book is coming out this month, and I'm looking forward to purchasing it. No matter where you live, ice gola is the same everywhere. Just make sure you eat good quality and safe food.

Surviving the Heat: A Day at the Polls

Hello everyone, welcome to my blog! I hope you're all doing well. I hope everyone has cast their votes in their respective areas, and those who haven't should do so soon. Today was my turn to vote, and it was the first thing I did after waking up. Afterward, I went about my day as usual. The temperature reached 40 degrees today, and I thought about how the officials at the polling stations managed to survive the heat. But it's their duty, and I'm sure they take pride in it. Voting is a simple but crucial act. Just one vote can make a significant difference. By the way, the heat is extreme, so try to avoid going out between 12 and 4 PM. Stay home and stay safe; otherwise, you'll suffer like I did 😂😂. Thank you for reading my mini-blog. I hope to write another one soon.

Writing after a Long Gap

Hello everyone, how are you? I assume everyone is doing great and achieving great things. I really, really want to write daily blogs, but somehow I'm unable to write and have to end them with a heavy heart for not being able to complete them. But thanks to those few friends of mine who reminded me that I haven't written in a long time. So, it's the start of board exams, and best of luck to all those who are taking them. Don't worry if you haven't studied the whole year; one day won't make a difference, so enjoy the year again. 😂😂 Have you noticed how the seasons are changing, showing more colors than my 🤫🤫🤫? Speaking of colors, I remembered Holi and Dhuleti are coming up. Play like hell! Don't worry about those uncles who don't allow you to play in your areas. Don't argue with them, but also don't let them stop you. So, by then, I hope you enjoyed reading my blog, and if you did, feel free to share it with someone. It won't cost you anyt

Embracing New Adventures: Internship Insights, Exam Triumphs, and YouTube Beginnings

Hello everyone, I hope you're doing well and in the best state of your life. I'm writing this blog again with the same spirit and enthusiasm as before. I pray I can continue writing blogs without further delay. Here are a few updates I want to share with you. First, I'm learning a lot during my internship. It's been a great learning experience with lots of new stuff to learn and execute. Secondly, I received my results for the semester exams that lasted until January. They met my expectations exactly and are enough to validate the work I put in. I'm fully satisfied and won't compare mine with others. Instead, I'll work even harder to achieve great achievements. And third, the last update is a little special. I've started making YouTube videos. Yes, you heard it right. I've started creating YouTube content. It all started when my friends and I went to Pawagadh and began filming just for the fun of it. Then, as an experiment, we started editing and mer

After Long Gap Starting Again❤️

Hello everyone, how are you doing? After a long time, I am writing a blog and heading towards something new in my blogs. Many things have happened during this period that I wanted to share and tell you about my experiences, but unfortunately, I missed the time to write the blogs. I don't remember the days I left without writing a blog, but I will surely start again. As a person, have you ever realized that you don't follow a routine unless there is no option or you love to be in that routine? Personally, I had to change my routine, which is one reason for the delay in my blogs. The second reason is having lots of thoughts and no way to express them. It's like standing in the middle of the ocean but still remaining dry. Despite being surrounded by the ocean, I was unable to express what I wanted to say or write. It happens, right? It's life. Let's move forward with everything; every challenge shall pass.


Hello Everyone, and welcome to Blog 50! How are you all doing? Finally, you've found some time to read my blog. It's my 50th blog—a significant achievement for me. As a self-proclaimed lazy person, completing 50 blogs is no small feat. I'll take this milestone as a stepping stone to many more. I owe it all to the readers who take the time to peruse my blogs, and some even go the extra mile to share them. I want to express my gratitude to everyone, though words might fall short. I initially started writing blogs as an experiment, but it has evolved into a duty for me. Writing has become a consistent part of my routine. I pledge to continue writing my blogs with the same spirit. Whether people read them or not, I find it satisfying for myself. Thank you once again to all the readers and supporters. Here's to the next 50 blogs and beyond!

Day_ 49

Hello everyone, and welcome to my 49th blog post! I wish all of you a healthy and happy life. Let's kick off today's blog by talking about my day. I started my morning with some prayers, visited the temple, and offered milk to Lord Shiva. After completing my daily routine, I hit the gym. I spent around 2.3 hours working on my back and biceps. Once done, I headed home and had my post-workout meal. In the afternoon, I went out for some work with a friend. It took quite a while, and we'll continue with it tomorrow and the day after. I won't disclose the nature of the work, but I'm hopeful it will come to fruition soon. Later in the evening, I accompanied my mom to the vegetable market to help carry the bags. That's enough for today; let's wrap up this blog here. If you've read my blog, don't forget to share it with your friends ❤️


Hello everyone, and welcome to blog post 46! I hope you're all doing well. It's January 2nd, and I hope you've made some resolutions. Try your best to stick to them, unless it's absolutely impossible. With the new year comes new opportunities and experiences. However, what we don't have anymore is the past that we left behind in 2023. Let's make 2024 a year to remember. Develop some positive habits. Consider starting to go to the temple – a simple bow can make a difference. I've personally resolved to write a blog every day, even on days when I'm not feeling my best. The reality is that we grow wiser when we realize that only the calendar has changed, not the conditions. Today's blog is straightforward. If you enjoyed it, please share it with your friends. Thank you! ❤️


Hello Everyone and Welcome to my blog 45! I wish you all a Happy New Year! May this year bring lots of joy and happiness to you and your family. I never thought of starting a blog page in the beginning of 2023, but by the end, I have a well-made blog page. I feel blessed and lucky at the same time. The amount of love and support people have given me has given me the courage to do this. The year ahead won't be easy, but together we will tackle any problem. January has many plans in store, and one of the biggest celebrations is on the way, happening on January 22. I'm sure you must be excited to witness this event. I'll be sharing more information about it soon. In the meantime, make sure to follow me and share my blog with your close ones. I hope you enjoyed reading my blog, and don't forget to share it with your friends. Thank you! ❤️

Day_42 MY CITY-3

Hello everyone, and welcome to my 41st blog post! I hope you're doing well. Today, we'll continue our series on "My City." If you haven't seen the previous blogs in this series, you can find them on my website. Now, let's delve into one of the most famous and cherished places in Vadodara – the Laxmi Vilas Palace. This iconic structure was built by Maharaja Sayajirao Gaekwad III in 1890 and is currently valued at approximately ₹24,000 crores. The main architect behind this grandeur was Major Charles Mant. The entire palace showcases the Indo-Saracenic Revival architecture. Remarkably, it is four times the size of Buckingham Palace and sprawls across an area of approximately 500 acres. During its construction, the palace boasted many modern amenities, including elevators, and its interior resembled that of a large European country house. In the 1930s, Maharaja Pratapsinh had a special golf course constructed for European guests. Interestingly, his grandson Samar

Day_41 MY CITY-2

Hello everyone, and welcome to my 41st blog post! With a new blog comes a new beginning. I've started this blog to share insights about my city. If you missed my previous parts, you can find them on my website. Let's dive in! If you're in Vadodara, it's impossible not to have seen Mandavi Gate. The name Mandavi itself signifies mandap. In 1511, when Khalil Khan became the emperor of Gujarat, he commissioned the construction of Mandvi Gate. Initially, this structure had only two floors. Over the passing years, Ganpatrao Gaekwad, the king of the Gaekwad dynasty, expanded it to four floors. On top of the gate, Gaekwad's flag proudly waved. Back then, this gate was used for tax collection and making important announcements. It held such a royal status that only royal elephants and cars, including the royals' carriages, were allowed to pass through. Mandvi Gate has been a center of attraction since its early years and continues to be one today. If you ever visit Vado


 Hello Everyone and Welcome to my Blog no.38 I wish your day spent well, mine was moderate. As I Get up in morning first thing I have is a full mug of coffee. Than after gaining some strength I had my bath. It's mandatory for me to do pooja and went to temple, even if it's not mandatory it's good for me. Again today me and my friend hustled for getting a new internship and job. And another thing we did was doing .Net. Learning from youtube is I guess the best platform because we get all the content for free. Now adays the days are not going they are just going, if you know. I would make clear, like if you have something to do you have work or you need to work and that's compulsory for you that's called the days are going in work, But in my case I have no work as such I am learning for my own and doing work for my own I always need to have that inspiration, my goal in front of me to always motivate myself to hustle hard, one day this all will be worth it. That's


 Hello Everyone Welcome to my blog 37. I wish you did Great today, lets start with today's blog. I had a great day today. Did some pending work and went for some work.  Just today I realized winter has arrived when I went out for work. Later I was scrolling my phone and news of new corona virus came, though it's not so large but past still haunts. Another thing I did today was learning a technology, I am learning .Net currently which shall help me in my job so you know better to learn some useful skills.  I had pizzas for dinner, I often have them with my family, that to home made. After enjoying meal I start writing my blogs and search some good stuff to send. Sometimes I have them Else I search some good information to share with. After my exams are over I have decided in my mind to not waste time in doing nothing so I can utilize my time in learning something. I wish you liked my blog and share it with your friends and family TY❤️


Hello everyone and welcome to my blog 25 and part of series 5.  Before staring the blog if you have missed my previous blog please read it as well. And those who are waiting for the next part I am sorry but i have some academic work to complete and lately my exams are staring from 1st. I will try to keep up with the blogs daily.  In the last blog we discussed about the three Queens of the king Dasharath. Today we will talk about Guru of Lord Ram - Guru Vasistha and Guru Vishwamitra. Guru Vasisththa and Vishwamitra As per Ramayan Lord Ram had two Gurus : Vashishtha and Vishwamitra.  Both has their pivot role in teaching the life lessons to our Prabhu. Vashishtha is said to be one of the seven celestial sages, so  he is a saint by birth. On the hand Vishwamitra was a king and became saint. Lord Ram and Lord Lakshman went to Sage Vashishtha ashram in their early days to get education, learn duties of Royal family and get training and became an ideal King of Awadh. Even in the late days it


 Hello everyone and welcome to my blog no 22. I wish you a good health. Before you start this blog i would suggest you to go checkout my previous blog - 21.  As in last blog we discussed about Ramcharitmanas by Tulsi das. This is not just a book but a way of living that teaches us moral values.  My soul purpose in this series is to provide some life lessons from all the main individuals from Ramcharitmanas.  There are number of characters in Ramayan, let us start with Lord Ram. i think all the characters play a significant role in changing our lifes. Lord Ram  Lord Ram is perceived as God and Tulsidas had depicted him as Maryada Purushotam, meaning who the most dignified man. Maryada is Hindi word meaning dignity, glory. He maintained the dignity in every field of human life. Purushottam means purush plus uttam. Purush means human, uttam means the best. Hence its meaning- the best in humans. He had qualities that put him above an ordinary human being. He was an Ideal Son,   Ideal broth


 Hello Everyone and welcome to blog no 21, I wish you are reading this blog in your healthiest and happiest state.   I have always been a spiritual person and devotee of Lord Ram. Many of you may have read Ramayana  or Ramcharitmanas. If you don't know Both of them has a slight difference. Ramayana was written by Sage Valmiki, who is known as the contemporary of Lord Rama, and Ramcharitmanas was written by Tulsidas and in Awadhi Language, whereas Ramayana was written in Sanskrit Language. Awadhi  As per Wikipedia  Awadhi, also known as Audhi, is an Indo-Aryan language spoken in the Awadh region of eastern Uttar Pradesh in northern India. The name Awadh is connected to Ayodhya, the ancient city, which is regarded as the homeland of the Hindu god Rama. Ramcharitmanas by Tulsi das I have keen interest in Ramcharitmanas by Tulsidas. For me it's not just  story of Lord Ram, but the more we read, more we understand, more we dig into it, we get a lesson of our life. How to live Our li

Day_20 - College Navratri

Hello, everyone! Welcome again to my blog, Day 20. Doing it and doing it again, I've reached my 20th blog post. If you ask me, it feels great and blessed at the same time. Today, I want to share our Navaratri celebration at my college. We weren't expecting it, to be honest, because this was my first grand Navaratri celebration at my college, and it was held at night. This marked my last event in college, as I'm in my final year. We really enjoyed it. It feels good to share my photos with all of you 😁. Maybe this is the first time I'm doing it. I don't think it's cool, but for the sake of the blog, anything goes. I also played Garba with my faculties, She is one of my faculty Hiral Mam,  She won an award. Maybe the first and last in the IT department. Well done, Mam 🙌. I don't get why some girls have to record the slow motion of their choli going round 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️. By the way, this is my group, Krunal, Krishna, Shreya, Mansi, Shreya and me , half of my group


Hello and welcome back to my blog, 18. Let me tell you something about my surroundings, specifically my parents. I am truly lucky and blessed to be the son of my parents. I feel that I owe them so much more than I can ever repay. Perhaps I can never fully express my gratitude, but I can certainly strive to repay them a thousandfold. Their sacrifices and the love they've showered upon me have played a significant role in shaping my current lifestyle. Every positive aspect of my life, every thought, and every ounce of positivity I possess is a direct result of their influence. Aside from my parents, I'm also fortunate to have a wonderful group of friends who are not only good but also incredibly loyal. My professors and mentors have been invaluable in my journey as well. I find their guidance and support essential when I reflect on what I have in my life. I can speak to them without any hesitation, which is a tremendous asset. In life, having such a supportive and encouraging env


Hello, everyone, and welcome to my 17th blog. I hope you all are healthy and fine. Today was a very special day for me, and not just for me but for all my college mates. Let me start from the beginning. As you know, I'm pursuing a degree, and my college organized a training program for all final year students. When the name of this training workshop comes up, we all tend to become lazy because we had some unwarranted perceptions about training workshops from our past experiences. But, let me be serious; I genuinely found it helpful today. To lead the workshop, we had Mr. Paresh Bhatt from Ahmedabad, who specifically came to our college. I felt that I had a lot to learn from him. I was surprised to see how even a small change can make a significant difference when going for an interview. Perhaps if someone else had been explaining it at the same place, we might have found it boring or not chosen to attend another seminar. Friends, I always share my daily thoughts here, so I'm sh

Day_16 - Dussehra

Hello everyone, welcome to my 16th blog. I hope you all are healthy and fine. Before starting today's blog, let me wish you all a Happy Dussehra. May all your tensions dissipate as light awakens the dark room. As you may know, I am a Gujarati, and you must be aware that today, we enjoy a lot of Fafda and Jalebis. But why do we do so? The reason is that in Hindu scriptures, it is a ritual that any fast must end by eating food prepared from gram flour (Fafda). The reason for Jalebi is, as per scriptures, Lord Ram loved a sweet called Shashhkuli (Jalebi), and Lord Hanuman loved items prepared from gram flour. I know many of you must be familiar with this, or like me, you might have just learned about it today. Apart from this, we also celebrate the victory of good over evil. Lord Ram, after fighting for nine long days, vanquished Ravan on Vijayadashami. I always chant "Hey Ram, Hey Ram" because that's our Lord, our dharma, and our culture. Chanting his name  provides me


Hello, everyone! You are all welcome to my blog once again. As I've started from day 1, there are many things I've learned. Maybe it seems somewhat boring, but for that 0.01% who truly read my blogs, this is for you ❤️. Life is not always the same, and I've learned this from my own experiences. We can't even blame others for that. I've changed a bit too. We often feel let down by others because, I think, we expect a lot more from them than they can provide. We shouldn't get upset about this. We are strong. And it's not necessary to reply to every individual every time. How many replies can you give? Instead, stay calm and let time provide the answers. The most beautiful thing about time is that it changes, so don't rush and make mistakes. Time will change. I just wanted to share my views on this, and it's not related to anything that happened to me. I was just sitting and had a thought. If I'm having these thoughts, there's a chance you might