The Mysterious Secret Society of India: The Nine Unknown Men

 When we think of secret societies, names like the Illuminati or Freemasons often come to mind—groups steeped in mystery, shrouded in conspiracy, and almost always rooted outside of India. But what if I told you that India, a land often associated with peace, spirituality, and harmony, harbors its own shadowy secrets? Contrary to the common perception, India's history is not devoid of dark and enigmatic tales. One such tale revolves around a secret society that has supposedly existed in India for over two millennia: The Nine Unknown Men.

This secret society, believed to have been founded by Emperor Ashoka, continues to intrigue historians, conspiracy theorists, and curious minds alike. As we delve into this story, we’ll uncover not only the origins of this mysterious group but also the famous individuals associated with it, who may just change your perception of them entirely. But first, it's essential to understand the historical context in which this society emerged, as it lays the groundwork for everything that follows.

The Birth of a Secret Society

The tale of The Nine Unknown Men begins around 2000 years ago, in the aftermath of the Kalinga War—one of the bloodiest conflicts in history. Emperor Ashoka, the ruler who led the Mauryan Empire to victory, was deeply disturbed by the immense loss of life, with an estimated 100,000 people killed and 150,000 captured. This harrowing experience led Ashoka to renounce violence, embrace Buddhism, and dedicate his life to spreading the teachings of peace and non-violence.

During his spiritual journey, Ashoka gained profound knowledge—some of which was far beyond the comprehension of ordinary people. This knowledge spanned various fields, including science, governance, and warfare. Aware of the destructive potential of this knowledge if it were to fall into the wrong hands, Ashoka decided to take a drastic step to protect it.

The Formation of the Nine Unknown Men

To safeguard this dangerous knowledge, Ashoka divided it into nine distinct books, each covering a different domain: politics, weapons, power, the mind, surgery, and more. He then entrusted these books to nine men—experts in their respective fields. These men were charged with the responsibility of guarding these secrets, ensuring that they would be passed on only to those deemed worthy and trustworthy. This way, the knowledge would survive through the ages but remain hidden from the masses.

Over the centuries, the existence of these Nine Unknown Men and the secret knowledge they protect has become a part of Indian legend. Some believe that this secret society still exists today, working in the shadows to maintain balance and prevent chaos in the world.

Evidence of Their Existence

One of the most intriguing pieces of evidence supporting the existence of the Nine Unknown Men can be found in the Konark Sun Temple in Odisha. A wheel with eight spokes and a central axis is said to symbolize the nine men, with the eight spokes representing the individuals entrusted with the books and the central axis representing the core knowledge they protect.

Famous Figures Associated with the Nine Unknown Men

The founding members of this secret society are believed to include some of the most renowned figures in Indian history. These include:

  • Charaka: Known as the Father of Medicine, Charaka is credited with compiling the Charaka Samhita, an ancient Ayurvedic text.
  • Chanakya: A brilliant strategist and author of the Arthashastra, Chanakya played a pivotal role in the establishment of the Maurya Empire.
  • Sushruta: Referred to as the Father of Surgery, Sushruta authored the Sushruta Samhita, an ancient text on surgery.
  • Aryabhata: A mathematician and astronomer, Aryabhata made significant contributions to the fields of mathematics and astronomy.
  • Nagarjuna: A philosopher and alchemist, Nagarjuna is often credited with the development of early chemical processes.
  • Patanjali: The father of Yoga, Patanjali compiled the Yoga Sutras, a foundational text in the study of Yoga.
  • Varahamihira: An astrologer and polymath, Varahamihira authored several important works on astrology and astronomy.
  • Vishnu Sharma: The author of Panchatantra, a collection of ancient Indian fables with moral lessons.
  • Bodhidharma: A Buddhist monk credited with introducing Zen Buddhism to China and believed to have significant martial arts knowledge.

The Purpose of the Society

Unlike other secret societies often associated with manipulation and control, the Nine Unknown Men were established to protect humanity. Their purpose was to maintain the balance between good and evil in the world, ensuring that the powerful knowledge they guarded would not be misused to create havoc.

The story of the Nine Unknown Men is a fascinating blend of history, legend, and speculation. Whether or not this secret society still exists today is a matter of debate. However, the idea that such a group once existed to protect humanity from the dangerous knowledge of the ancients adds a captivating layer of mystery to India's rich cultural tapestry.


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