Hello Everyone and Welcome to my blog no 27 and series part 7. I hope you are doing absolutely good and reading this blog in your healthiest and happiest state ❤️. Before reading this blog if you are new on my page, than don't forget to read my previous blogs of this series, you would really love it. In the last blog i talked about this beautiful festival of lights. Today let us talk about one of the epic character of Ramayana. Even I am a follower and worshipper of him Lord Hanuman . Lord Hanuman In Valmiki's fifth book of Ramayana, Sundara Kanda. he has mentioned a detailed accounts of Hanuman's meeting with Lord Ram and Lakshman. The name can be interpreted in two ways. Hanu means Jaw and Man means disfigured. As per mythology Hanuman's jaw was disfigured by Lord Indra during his urge to eat Sun thinking it as fruit. Another meaning if this is Han means killed or destroyed and Man means pride. Both is same, someone who has destroyed his pride. Someone who is not eg...
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