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Showing posts with the label Mental Health Matters

Surviving the Summer Heat and Job Hunt

Hello Everyone, I hope you're doing great! Summer can be tough with those heat waves, but don't worry, nothing lasts forever. 😂😂 I'm not sure whether to be proud of completing my degree without any backlogs or to be worried about finding a job. Finding a good job is way harder than I thought, but I hope my friend and I get one soon. By the way, have you read any good books lately? I recently read three books by Akshat Gupta and found them amazing. His next book is coming out this month, and I'm looking forward to purchasing it. No matter where you live, ice gola is the same everywhere. Just make sure you eat good quality and safe food.

Day_43 From Broken to Blooming: Journey with Depression

Hello everyone, and welcome to my 43rd blog post. Today, let's discuss a crucial aspect of our lives that often goes undiscussed due to the weight it carries. However, let's not make it a big deal. This aspect plays a vital role in all our lives - mental health. Deep down, we all experience mental challenges, but we hesitate to share or find the right people to talk to. It's often the challenges and failures in life that lead us to mental issues and, in some cases, even depression. Have you ever wondered why many people experience depression? There are common reasons, such as unmet expectations and the disappointment that follows. I agree that unfulfilled expectations can indeed contribute to mental health issues. During my own struggle with this phase, I felt like a burden on others and questioned what I should do next. I needed the courage to make decisions. One valuable lesson I learned is that you are always with yourself. Consider this: are your parents with you everyw