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Showing posts with the label daily-thoughts

Surviving the Summer Heat and Job Hunt

Hello Everyone, I hope you're doing great! Summer can be tough with those heat waves, but don't worry, nothing lasts forever. 😂😂 I'm not sure whether to be proud of completing my degree without any backlogs or to be worried about finding a job. Finding a good job is way harder than I thought, but I hope my friend and I get one soon. By the way, have you read any good books lately? I recently read three books by Akshat Gupta and found them amazing. His next book is coming out this month, and I'm looking forward to purchasing it. No matter where you live, ice gola is the same everywhere. Just make sure you eat good quality and safe food.


 Hello! How are you? I hope you are enjoying the festivities. This time during Navratri, the environment is quite different. Whether or not you choose to attend the celebrations, I urge you to engage in devotion. Today, I visited my dad's friend's home, where every year, they warmly invite us to come and seek blessings from Mata Ji, who is beautifully adorned, and the decorations were a sight to behold. There were so many intricate details. I'll try to capture it in a video for you in this blog. Inside, all the statues and their symbolic meanings are quite fascinating if you observe them closely. I consider myself very fortunate to have had this opportunity for darshan (. It occurred to me that people who read this blog might also benefit from it. So, as you read, take blessings, and stay healthy.❤️


 Hello everyone, good evening. I wish you all good health and happiness.  Today is the 13th day, and we're experiencing quite a whirlwind of events. But the good news is that everything is going smoothly, and I'd like to share my thoughts and experiences with you gradually. If I talk about my current situation, I'm currently immersed in an internship. This internship is quite significant for me as it's helping me gain valuable experience that will come in handy for my future job. Let's take a closer look at my daily routine. I begin my day by waking up early in the morning, offering my prayers, and then heading off to the gym. After an invigorating workout, I go straight to my internship, which typically lasts for about two hours. Once I wrap up at the internship, I rush back to home. Before getting out of bed after a good sleep in afternoon, I often find myself pondering what I can do to overcome my inherent laziness. To be honest, reading engineering textbooks cov


 Hello, everyone! I hope you're all doing well and staying healthy. Let me talk to you about myself. I am a 4th-year IT student, currently in the midst of my summer internship. Yeah, you've got to do it, right? 😂 While doing my internship, I had this thought about starting a blog, but I wonder what to write that you might find interesting. By the way, I don't share my blog's website with everyone; I just let a few close folks know. Today, I realized that my buddy he's a great friend. I convinced him to join the gym, (let me take the credit). So, I'm at the gym, and I said, "Hey, bro, how does it look? Check out my blog!" I hoped he'd be thrilled, but he said, "Nah, what's in it for me, bro? Excuse me?" 😂 It's a fact that sometimes, your best friends can be the most mischievous ones. Above all this, I've got this tension about my 7th-semester exams. I don't know what to study, honestly. I need a job, guys, so if you come