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Surviving the Summer Heat and Job Hunt

Hello Everyone, I hope you're doing great! Summer can be tough with those heat waves, but don't worry, nothing lasts forever. 😂😂 I'm not sure whether to be proud of completing my degree without any backlogs or to be worried about finding a job. Finding a good job is way harder than I thought, but I hope my friend and I get one soon. By the way, have you read any good books lately? I recently read three books by Akshat Gupta and found them amazing. His next book is coming out this month, and I'm looking forward to purchasing it. No matter where you live, ice gola is the same everywhere. Just make sure you eat good quality and safe food.

Day_ 49

Hello everyone, and welcome to my 49th blog post! I wish all of you a healthy and happy life. Let's kick off today's blog by talking about my day. I started my morning with some prayers, visited the temple, and offered milk to Lord Shiva. After completing my daily routine, I hit the gym. I spent around 2.3 hours working on my back and biceps. Once done, I headed home and had my post-workout meal. In the afternoon, I went out for some work with a friend. It took quite a while, and we'll continue with it tomorrow and the day after. I won't disclose the nature of the work, but I'm hopeful it will come to fruition soon. Later in the evening, I accompanied my mom to the vegetable market to help carry the bags. That's enough for today; let's wrap up this blog here. If you've read my blog, don't forget to share it with your friends ❤️


Hello everyone, and welcome to my blog post 48! I hope you're doing well and staying healthy, especially in this peak winter season. There's something incredibly satisfying about the amount of sleep you can get during these cold months. I wish I could have that level of restfulness every day of the year. On another note, I've just completed everything in my 7th semester, marking its official end. However, it's not as cool as it sounds because now I find myself in a state of confusion about what to do next. Initially, I wanted to learn a particular technology, and I even started working on it. But suddenly, I discovered there might not be much opportunity in that field. Now I'm unsure about whether to continue or switch gears. It's a bit overwhelming, especially considering I need to find a job as soon as possible. Fingers crossed that everything works out. In the midst of this uncertainty, I want to send out good wishes to everyone for staying healthy and fit. E


  Hello Everyone, and Welcome  to my 47th blog. I hope you all are having a great time. The winter season has begun, and many people are getting married. In this festive atmosphere, people are making promises to each other and joining in the celebration of welcoming new relationships. Today, the topic is marriage, and I attended one recently. It was such a delightful experience, spending time with friends and family. Everyone made an effort to make the couple feel special for those three days. After such a special occasion, daily routines seem mundane. My dream is to have a grand marriage ceremony with the presence of everyone, surrounded by soothing music and a cool breeze. The couple also took the opportunity to promise and shower blessings like the petals of flowers on others. It's a tradition in our culture, and it feels good to be a part of it. Apart from all these rituals, I also reflect on our rich culture. I may lose in the game of life, but I value the essence of our tradi


Hello everyone, and welcome to blog post 46! I hope you're all doing well. It's January 2nd, and I hope you've made some resolutions. Try your best to stick to them, unless it's absolutely impossible. With the new year comes new opportunities and experiences. However, what we don't have anymore is the past that we left behind in 2023. Let's make 2024 a year to remember. Develop some positive habits. Consider starting to go to the temple – a simple bow can make a difference. I've personally resolved to write a blog every day, even on days when I'm not feeling my best. The reality is that we grow wiser when we realize that only the calendar has changed, not the conditions. Today's blog is straightforward. If you enjoyed it, please share it with your friends. Thank you! ❤️


Hello Everyone and Welcome to my blog 45! I wish you all a Happy New Year! May this year bring lots of joy and happiness to you and your family. I never thought of starting a blog page in the beginning of 2023, but by the end, I have a well-made blog page. I feel blessed and lucky at the same time. The amount of love and support people have given me has given me the courage to do this. The year ahead won't be easy, but together we will tackle any problem. January has many plans in store, and one of the biggest celebrations is on the way, happening on January 22. I'm sure you must be excited to witness this event. I'll be sharing more information about it soon. In the meantime, make sure to follow me and share my blog with your close ones. I hope you enjoyed reading my blog, and don't forget to share it with your friends. Thank you! ❤️

Day_44 MY CITY-4

Hello everyone, and welcome to my 44th blog post. I hope you're all doing well. Let's continue with our series on my city, Vadodara. Today, I want to share some lesser-known places with you. Whether you're from Vadodara or elsewhere, you might be surprised to learn that at one point, Vadodara had over 100 vavs (stepwells). Some of them are well-maintained and accessible even today. NAVLAKHI VAV Let's start with Navlakhi Vav, located in Laxmi Vilas Palace. It is believed to have been built by Sultan Muzaffar Shah in the 15th century. According to the book "Ramesh Joshi Imarat Ane Avshesho - Baroda Nagari No Prachin Itihas," there is a Brahmini inscription on one of the lower floors. The name "Navlakhi" comes from the fact that nine lakh gold coins were spent on its construction. Maharaja Sayajirao Gaekwad III later restored it. Initially, it supplied water to Laxmi Vilas Palace and now provides water to the golf course. SEVASI VAV Another beautiful st

Day_43 From Broken to Blooming: Journey with Depression

Hello everyone, and welcome to my 43rd blog post. Today, let's discuss a crucial aspect of our lives that often goes undiscussed due to the weight it carries. However, let's not make it a big deal. This aspect plays a vital role in all our lives - mental health. Deep down, we all experience mental challenges, but we hesitate to share or find the right people to talk to. It's often the challenges and failures in life that lead us to mental issues and, in some cases, even depression. Have you ever wondered why many people experience depression? There are common reasons, such as unmet expectations and the disappointment that follows. I agree that unfulfilled expectations can indeed contribute to mental health issues. During my own struggle with this phase, I felt like a burden on others and questioned what I should do next. I needed the courage to make decisions. One valuable lesson I learned is that you are always with yourself. Consider this: are your parents with you everyw