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Surviving the Summer Heat and Job Hunt

Hello Everyone, I hope you're doing great! Summer can be tough with those heat waves, but don't worry, nothing lasts forever. ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ I'm not sure whether to be proud of completing my degree without any backlogs or to be worried about finding a job. Finding a good job is way harder than I thought, but I hope my friend and I get one soon. By the way, have you read any good books lately? I recently read three books by Akshat Gupta and found them amazing. His next book is coming out this month, and I'm looking forward to purchasing it. No matter where you live, ice gola is the same everywhere. Just make sure you eat good quality and safe food.


Hello and welcome back to my blog, 18.

Let me tell you something about my surroundings, specifically my parents. I am truly lucky and blessed to be the son of my parents. I feel that I owe them so much more than I can ever repay. Perhaps I can never fully express my gratitude, but I can certainly strive to repay them a thousandfold. Their sacrifices and the love they've showered upon me have played a significant role in shaping my current lifestyle. Every positive aspect of my life, every thought, and every ounce of positivity I possess is a direct result of their influence.

Aside from my parents, I'm also fortunate to have a wonderful group of friends who are not only good but also incredibly loyal. My professors and mentors have been invaluable in my journey as well. I find their guidance and support essential when I reflect on what I have in my life. I can speak to them without any hesitation, which is a tremendous asset. In life, having such a supportive and encouraging environment is a crucial factor that enables us to reach great heights.

This post is just a heartfelt appreciation to the remarkable people who surround me. If you are one of them and you happen to read my blog, please know that you are special to me because you've made me feel special. 

If you've read my blog, I encourage you to share it with all the people in your own surroundings and take a moment to appreciate the special individuals in your life. Only a fortunate few have such a supportive network. ❤️


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