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Surviving the Summer Heat and Job Hunt

Hello Everyone, I hope you're doing great! Summer can be tough with those heat waves, but don't worry, nothing lasts forever. 😂😂 I'm not sure whether to be proud of completing my degree without any backlogs or to be worried about finding a job. Finding a good job is way harder than I thought, but I hope my friend and I get one soon. By the way, have you read any good books lately? I recently read three books by Akshat Gupta and found them amazing. His next book is coming out this month, and I'm looking forward to purchasing it. No matter where you live, ice gola is the same everywhere. Just make sure you eat good quality and safe food.


 Hello Everyone Welcome to my blog 37. I wish you did Great today, lets start with today's blog. I had a great day today. Did some pending work and went for some work.  Just today I realized winter has arrived when I went out for work. Later I was scrolling my phone and news of new corona virus came, though it's not so large but past still haunts. Another thing I did today was learning a technology, I am learning .Net currently which shall help me in my job so you know better to learn some useful skills.  I had pizzas for dinner, I often have them with my family, that to home made. After enjoying meal I start writing my blogs and search some good stuff to send. Sometimes I have them Else I search some good information to share with. After my exams are over I have decided in my mind to not waste time in doing nothing so I can utilize my time in learning something. I wish you liked my blog and share it with your friends and family TY❤️

Day_36 Exams are Done, Brain is Fried, But Blog is Back !

 Hello Everyone you are all Welcome to my blog 36. Writing after so long feels new here, haha like I have not been here since a long time. But I just completed my exams yesterday now I must post one blog per day. Also I found some issues in my setting that also I'll solve. There are so many things I want to share and some new content also. I have thought few post that I would post regarding a specific content I won't disclose it here, but you will see in my blogs.  In the recent days there were so many things that changed and it had a great impact on me. But I always try to learn something from this and let it be. The nature is very unordered, it's never predictable.   Thus, I always believe "You can't change the nature , You can just adore it" Hope you Like my blog and share it with your friends ty❤️  

Day_35 Finding Hope's In Difficult Situation

Hey Everyone Welcome to my blog 35 I assume everyone is reading this blog in their healthiest state. Today's topic is some what serious, if u saw my title "Times not same" , now by that I don't mean that time is changing in secs minutes or hours.  My strong point with title is the situations and the probability that situation will change is surely related to changing time. Now I hope you might not understand what I need to convey, But let me make it clear. As a person, we think our situations are the worst or maybe they are the most vulnerable, unless you find problems of others. It's always with me, unless I get up to some other's life problem. I get so numb and just feel to escape from the crowd go in loneliness, and never return.  I have this anonymous girl by my side. We got up in college, passed so much to each other, bad or good everything. We always treat each other as a bros - sis in higher levels from our hearts. I never distinguish her as someone who


 Hello Everyone and Welcome to my blog 34. I am continuing my blog after few days. I already mentioned in previous blogs I have my externals. So three papers are completed and three are still left which will get over by 19 dec. Talking about my three exams they were ok ok not so good not so bad, probably I'll pass. Sometimes I wish the book of engineering be simple to understand, and not so complex.  Since few days I am getting worried of my career I am having intuitions of getting late to find a job. Have I been so late to find a job or an internship. Being an IT student I have to search my field related work and I really hope I am not that late to find a better opportunity. Writing Blogs daily is my hobby, It's something I like to do and share, but this would not help me pay my bills though. But could help to express my feelings.  I always believe everything happens at right time, And some good time comes and gets me a good opportunity and not just me, my friend as well.  Wit

Day_33 First Paper

 Hello Everyone and Welcome to my blog 33 Today was my first paper and it went quite good. Questions were as I expected and whatever I prepared came. We have 2.5 hour to write the paper but the last minutes are always crucial to tie the answer sheets and the biggest flaw is there is no hole made on the answer sheet we have to do it manually like seriously in the last 10 mins remaining they expect the students who is seriously writing the last phase of the paper and this is the point where all the content comes together, and they expect us to manually punch the hole with the pen. I faced this today and it was so frustrating. On the day of paper it's not just the preparation you did but also there are so many key factors that directly affect the paper. I can't say of others but for me it's always the same through all this years, which includes having the coffee and seriously the sip of coffee decides my mood, slowly and gradually having a sip of hot coffee, it also make sense

Day_32 Final Preps

 Hello everyone and welcome to my blog no 32 Two days are left for my finals. This habit of last moment is very boring and tough to do. But we have a good strategy to prepare for our exams. In my 3 years of college I have gained that knowledge that at least we can pass in exams. I guess many of you think of doing last min prep for them the best way is youtube and last year papers. Apart from this, I faced this problem of lack of focus, that's basically due to over use of social media apps. So what I did was switching off my mobiles and other electronic accessories unless I have some very important work to do. Another thing is, challenge your self to complete the work in a definite time for me I took 2 hour and than break. So I don't get bored and my work is also completed.  I have completed my syllabus for once, I would prefer revision for the last day that will help me to remember important topics and answers.  Since two days I was trying to write blogs but was unable to start

Day_31 Remembering Power

 Hello Everyone and Welcome to my blog 31 I guess you all have given exams in your school and college. At the initial stage you really work hard study very hard to score good. Than there come's a phase in everyone's life, where we start having perception about exams why to work hard and what this marks will define blah blah 😂😂😂 isn't it true? Have you thought that at least once ? I too had the same belief but let me add more now I have this additional thing also that why to take exam ?why ? Like I know  what I know, I know what I have studied frankly nothing but still I have to show my remembering power in semester exams. But fun away Exams are important it's just we don't like giving it. As an engineering student I have guts in start of every semester ahh this time I will study very hard, I will work day and night. And one day we wake up to reality and a death note appears from the college which states your current semester exams are starting from .......... Aft